I'm Damian

And I happen to love


I got first exposed to web development by starting a fitness blog on WordPress back in 2016. Later in 2019, I became obsessed with learning everything I could about front-end development technologies, as I found in this area the perfect sweet spot between art and logic. I believe that things that look beautiful must also be functional and work great. This has become my mantra over the years, and the biggest source of motivation for all the work I choose to engage in.

I take pride to say that everything I've learn as a developer has been due to countless self-teaching hours on platforms such as Codecademy, FreeCodeCamp, The Odin Project, LinkedIn Learning, 3WSchools, 3WC, MDN docs, Youtube, and official documentation from different technologies. Having the freedom to learn at my own pace, and apply concepts to bring value to clients and partners located anywhere in the world, is one of the most rewarding aspects of this fascinating career.

Above all, being a developer helped me foster great relationships with partners, industry experts, clients, and students located all across the globe. I have always received guidance from the moment I typed my very first "Hello-World.html" to my most recent forum entries. Therefore, I am always looking forward to giving back, so I hope this little web corner serves a great channel for that.

Damian R.

Some other details about me

  • Specialized in:

    Front-End Development

  • Availability: Full-time, Remote
  • Formal Education: BBA, International Business
  • Languages: English, Spanish, and French
  • Location: Montreal, Canada
  • Sports: Weightlifting, Calisthenics, Swimming, and Running
  • Other Passions: Writing, Reading, Cooking, and Tavelling


These are the main technologies I use for projects. When learning a new language, instead of following whatever comes up as a hot trend, I try to remain loyal to the basics, and incorporate only those skills that would allow me to create synergy among those skills that are already part of my toolkit.

HTML CSS JS react nodejs express npm github git


I have always believed that things that look great must also work great both inside and out. Therefore, I'm obssesed about tackling challenging problems with solutions that sit at the crossroads between beauty and logic.


Digital Design

From icons to e-books, crafting beautiful pieces of digital content that appeals to and connect with users without screaming at them.


Front-End Development

Innovative, customizable, and adaptable web solutions that could speak a brand better than anyone, even its own founders.


App Development

Scalable, reusable and foundational skeletons for mobile projects that could be integrated with full web applications, safely and responsively.


e-Commerce Integration

From shown to bought, and everything that comes after each sale, mananging a well designed and fully functional e-store should be about big bucks and no bugs.


Digital Marketing

Landing Pages, e-mail campaigns, video content or blogging platforms that could speak at every corner of the web, turning first time visitors into loyal customers.



Proving an upgraded fresh and modern look to a dusty brand that could generate more traffic to save a whole business behind.


From my very early beginnings, I made it a priority to document and share everything I've learned, and continue to work on this fascinating self-teaching practice. Here you will find links to some of the projects I have completed by following online learning courses, as well as real projects I more recently took on either for myself or other real clients clients.

  • All
  • Projects
  • Clients
  • Graphics
Atrium Physiotherapy

Atrium Physiotherapy

HMTL - CSS - React

Portfolio Website


Airbn Experience Clon

Airbnb Experience


Tenzies Game

Tenzies Game


Bankist App



HTML - CSS - JS - Netlify

Physiotherapy Blog

Physiotherapy Blog

Next - GraphCMS - Tailwind


Whether you are looking for effective web solution that could help up level your business, or you are you are developer looking forward to advance your skills, by getting involved in new exciting projects. Let’s have a chat!